This site has been archived on 2014/11/07


Michel Barnier
A new vision for the European project


"Tonight is a very special occasion for me since it will be my last speech after five years as a European Commissioner. Therefore I will not give you a lecture on the single market and financial services. I want to make it more personal by telling you about the three main lessons I have learnt from those 5 exciting years in the European Commission". Speech by Commissioner Barnier at the Bocconi University, Milan.


Man with hands on his hips facing a map of Europe
The Juncker Commission steps in


As of 1 November, four new Commissioners inherit the portfolio of Michel Barnier: Jonathan Hill, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Věra Jourová, and Günther Oettinger. Commissioner Hill will be in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, whereas Commissioner Bieńkowska will take responsibility for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Other policies (Copyright and Online services) have been incorporated into the portfolio of Günther Oettinger, the Commissioner in charge of Digital Economy and Society, and Corporate governance has been entrusted to Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumer and Gender Equality. We invite you to browse the sites of the new Commissioners:


Uneven surface of blocks showing graphs
First 'equivalence' decisions for central counterparty regulatory regimes


The European Commission has adopted its first 'equivalence' decisions for the regulatory regimes of central counterparties (CCPs) in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.


Aligned growing piles of coins and hand adding some more coins to the foreground pile
European Commission assesses economic consequences of country-by-country reporting


Today the Commission adopted a report containing a general assessment of the economic consequences of country-by-country reporting by banks and investment firms under Article 89 of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV).


Alignement of 3 houses made up of 100 and 50 euros notes
Commission welcomes improved situation for clients of car rental companies


On 8 August, the European Commission made public a letter sent to the CEOs of six international car rental companies, asking them to end practices preventing consumers from accessing best available prices on the basis of their country of residence.


Facade of a building on which the word “Bank” is written in large letters
Stress tests and ECB assessment: safer banks serving the economy


The European Commission welcomes the results of the EU-wide stress test by the European Banking Authority and the comprehensive assessment by the European Central Bank.


Alignement of 3 houses made up of 100 and 50 euros notes
Commission adopts detailed rules on contributions of banks to resolution funds


The European Commission has today adopted a delegated act and a draft proposal for a Council implementing act to calculate the contributions of banks to the national resolution funds and to the Single Resolution Fund respectively.


Copyright symbol lying in a hand
European Commission proposes ratification of Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate access to books for visually impaired persons


The Treaty will ensure that books in formats such as Braille, large print, e-books and audio books with special navigation tools, produced under copyright exceptions, can be exchanged across borders, not only within the EU but also between the EU and third countries.


Man in suit and tie activating on a transparent window a gear formed by seven cog-wheels of different size
Commission adopts detailed prudential rules for banks and insurers to stimulate investment in the economy


The European Commission adopted today delegated acts under the Solvency II Directive and the Capital Requirements Regulation which will help promote high quality securitisation, ensure that banks have sufficient liquid assets in testing circumstances and introduce international comparability to leverage ratios.


Rating agencies
Commission adopts Regulatory Technical Standards to implement stricter rules on credit rating agencies


The European Commission adopted three Regulatory Technical Standards which will help to implement key provisions of the Regulation on Credit Rating Agencies by setting out reporting and disclosure requirements in three important areas.


Large company offices buildings
Disclosure of non-financial information: Europe’s largest companies to be more transparent about how they operate


The European Commission welcomes today’s adoption by the Council of the Directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies and groups. Companies concerned will disclose information on policies, risks and outcomes as regards environmental matters, social and employee-related aspects, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery issues, and diversity on boards of directors.

