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A Single Market for services > Postal services

Lady holding a parcel in her hands
Commission presents roadmap for completing the single market for parcel delivery


Christmas season is a time when more people than usual are sending parcels, and the delivery market is being put to the test. The Commission has today adopted a communication on completing the single market for parcel delivery to boost e-commerce in the EU, and to ensure that e-retailers and consumers have access to affordable and high-quality parcel delivery services.


Commission launches consultation on integrated parcel delivery market to boost e-commerce in the EU


57% of e-retailers consider cross-border delivery to be an obstacle to trading, while 47% of consumers worry about delivery in cross-border transactions. An efficient delivery (and return) system is key to facilitating further growth in e-commerce and therefore consumer choice and convenience. This is why the Commission has today adopted a Green Paper consultation on the delivery of parcels, with special emphasis on cross-border issues and e-commerce needs. Stakeholders are invited to respond to the consultation before 15 February 2013.


The future of the postal sector and the digital revolution: a partnership for the future


In his speech to the second high level conference on Postal Services in Valencia, Commisioner Barnier gave his vision for the future of the postal sector in the digital age.

